
The Link Between Diabetes and Obesity

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Nov 10, 2023

Most Americans have a few extra pounds to lose. But this common problem causes more issues than needing another hole in your belt. It increases your chances of a serious blood sugar disorder, type 2 diabetes. But that’s only the beginning. 

Our Comprehensive Primary Care team strives to protect your long-term health, and that means helping you understand and reduce your risks for chronic diseases like diabetes.

Are you overweight or obese? Here’s what you should know about its link with diabetes.

Obesity and diabetes

Your blood contains glucose — or sugar. It comes from the food you eat and gives your cells energy. Your pancreas makes insulin to keep glucose levels in check. This hormone transports glucose to your muscles or liver, so it doesn’t remain in your blood.

When you are overweight or obese, especially with excess fat in your abdomen, this system stops working correctly. Experts believe this is because it triggers low but chronic inflammation in the body, which causes cells to stop responding to insulin.

In response, the pancreas starts working harder to make more insulin, eventually losing its ability to release this essential hormone entirely. Without insulin to regulate the sugar in your system, it remains in your blood. That’s when prediabetes and type 2 diabetes set in.

Research shows that 89% of American adults with diabetes are overweight or obese. You’re also six times more likely to develop this disease when overweight or obese than someone at a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese makes diabetes get worse faster.

The dangers of diabetes

When your blood sugar rises, it can lead to several serious complications, such as:

  • Eye diseases
  • Gum disease
  • Skin conditions
  • Kidney disease
  • Bladder problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Nerve problems
  • Foot problems

On top of that, type 2 diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke — and these dangers only increase without successful weight management.

Treating “diabesity”

Diabesity isn’t an official diagnosis; it’s a term that means you have obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

On their own, these conditions can pose dangerous health risks. But together, they’re a lethal combination, greatly increasing your likelihood of developing heart disease — the leading cause of death in the United States.

The problem is that diabesity is often a silent disease, causing damage within the body you may not notice in the earliest stages. But, over time, this damage adds up to serious problems with grave outcomes.

The good news is that you can take steps to prevent, manage, and even reverse diabesity. However, it isn’t easy because it involves losing weight.

Our team sees the challenges people face trying to lose weight firsthand. That’s why we offer personalized weight loss strategies to ensure you finally get results safely, and they’ll last a lifetime. 

We know the prospect of shedding those excess pounds may seem overwhelming, but losing just 5-10% of your overall body weight can significantly improve Type 2 diabetes. And with our help, you can make that a reality.

Is your weight putting your health at risk? Our team can help. Contact Comprehensive Primary Care to schedule a consultation in Lawrenceville or Suwanee, Georgia.